Duty Free
Looking to Shop Duty Free?
Duty Free shopping is a great way for travelers to purchase gifts and last minute travel needs prior to leaving the country.
Before leaving Canada travelers have the opportunity to shop at the Peace Bridge Duty Free and before leaving the United States travelers can shop at the Duty Free Americas. Both stores offer travelers currency exchange services and premium merchandise including liquor, beer, and tobacco at great prices.
What are the benefits of Duty Free shopping?
When you shop at either of the Duty Free stores you shop “tax and Duty Free” – meaning you do not have to pay any sales tax (or VAT), and as long as you are within your personal exemption allowance you won’t pay duty. If you exceed your personal exemption allowance, you may be assessed duty by Customs prior to entering the country.
What are the requirements to be eligible to shop at a Duty Free store?
1.) You must be leaving the country you are shopping in and,
2.) You must take the items you purchase with you into the country you are traveling to. Please note – you cannot re-enter the country you are shopping in with items you purchase at that Duty Free store unless you have met the length of stay requirements outside of the country mandated by Customs.
For information on duties and customs (tariffs) allowances/exemptions please refer to U.S. Customs and Border Protection and Canada Border Services Agency.