FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 23, 2025 |
For further information contact: Ron Rienas, CEO |
Telephone: 716.884.8636 or 905.994.3676 |
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Peace Bridge Lighting for Buffalo Bills Game
BUFFALO, NY/FORT ERIE, ON – In support of the Buffalo Bills and their January 26
Conference Championship game the Peace Bridge will be lit in Bills colors tonight,
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night.
During the game Sunday night, whenever the Bills score, there will be a brief
celebratory special effects light show conducted on the bridge. In addition, the
overhead traffic gantry signs on the Peace Bridge will display the Bills logo all day
Saturday and Sunday.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 29, 2024 |
For further information contact: Ron Rienas, CEO |
Telephone: 716.884.8636 or 905.994.3676 |
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Peace Bridge Authority Director, Patrick Robson, Passes Away
BUFFALO, NY/FORT ERIE, ON – The Board and staff of the Buffalo and Fort Erie Public Bridge Authority are deeply saddened by the passing of Patrick J. Robson on August 25, 2024.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 11, 2024 |
For further information contact: Ron Rienas, General Manager |
Telephone: 716.884.8636 or 905.994.3676 |
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2023 Border Traffic Statistics Issued by the Bridge and Tunnel Operators Association (BTOA)
BUFFALO, NY/FORT ERIE, ON – Today the Bridge and Tunnel Operators Association (BTOA) released border crossing numbers for the year 2023 between the Province of Ontario and the States of Michigan and New York.
The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic continued to be felt in 2023. Car traffic was down 17.62% compared to pre-pandemic 2019 equating to a decline of approximately 4.8 million vehicles.
Truck traffic was deemed essential throughout the pandemic and therefore not subject to border restrictions resulting in 2023 truck volumes being similar to pre-pandemic volumes.
The Canada and United States federal governments imposed COVID-19 border restrictions on all non-essential travel on March 21, 2020. During the subsequent three years these restrictions were modified from time to time including Canadian requirements of pre-entry COVID-19 testing and using the ArriveCan app. These requirements along with the vaccination requirements were dropped in October 2022. The United States did not require pre-entry testing or utilization of an entry app but did require vaccination throughout. The vaccination requirement was dropped May 12, 2023. After this date there were no longer any COVID-19 border restrictions being imposed by either country.
In 2023, compared to 2022, overall car crossings increased by 37.65%. Truck crossings increased by 2.48%. Combined there were 28,943,379 car, truck and bus crossings, an increase of 27.65% or 6,269,781 more vehicles. However, for most of 2022, as described above, COVID-19 border restrictions were still in place.
The data for each individual crossing is as follows: