Bridge operators have green thumbs too!
Every spring the Authority embarks on its annual landscaping campaign to ensure that the Peace Bridge grounds create a truly welcoming gateway for international travelers and area residents.
Fondly referred to as the "Bridge in Bloom" program, the PBA's beautification efforts include the plantings of several thousand flowers, shrubs, and vegetation, as well as associated mulch, topsoil, and fertilizer spread throughout the bridge structure and surrounding facilities.
The Authority also concentrates these plantings in several specific locations throughout the bridge structure, as well as along Busti Avenue and Front Park in the City of Buffalo, NY, and Queen Street and Veteran's Way near the Mather Arch in the Town of Fort Erie, ON.
Following completion of a formal procurement process, The Mill Greenhouses & Garden Center of Port Colborne, ON, and Amos Zittel & Sons Nursery of Eden, NY, were selected to furnish a wide variety of flower and plant species for the Authority's landscaping plan in 2010. Such species include Alyssum, Begonias, Bidens, Cordyline, Geraniums, King Coleus, Marigolds, Million Belles, Potato Vine, Salvia, Sunflowers, Tapiens, Trailing Verbena, Tulips, Wave Petunias, amongst many others.